About Bleeping Dragon

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🐲 What is Bleeping Dragon In simple words

Bleeping Dragon is a personal label of Miguel Cano specifically for developing and publishing apps and video games.

🥸 Why that name?

What do you think sounds better for a brand?
• Miguel Cano: A random name of a person? 😅
• Bleeping Dragon: Just sounds cooler. 😎

The "Bleeping Dragon" brand allows to express creativity better through a nicer concept. Who doesn't love a cute dragon?

Image of the logo shown in the editing software of Inkscape The darkest purple of the brand represents the majesty of that creature, the lighter shade of pink represents its bliss, the joyful temperament of that little beast.

👯 How many people are working on this project?

For the moment just me, but with very hard work I hope to bring and create things that people might enjoy. 🫡

🏠 Where do you work from?

I work in 2 main places. Most of the work is done in Polo Digital, in Málaga, Spain. An institution where there are some co-working spaces focused to media and game developers. My house, located in a town called Alhaurín de la Torre, located in Málaga too.

In the future I might move to another destination with my life partner. 💖

💸 How much money do you make?

At the moment I'm working not making anything 😔ç
But I'm hoping to monetize my work properly so I can obtain some income from a job I'm in love with 😉

🌸 And that is all friends!